Wavelet representation of melodic shape – Gissel Velarde

Date: 27 November 2012 (TUESDAY!)
Time: 13.00-14.00
Place: NJ14 3-228 (Las Vegas)

The multi-scale aspect of wavelet analysis makes it particularly attractive as a method for analysing melodies. In this talk, I will present a methodology that I developed jointly with Tillman Weyde to represent and segment symbolic melodies. The wavelet coefficients obtained by Haar continuous wavelet transform at one scale are not only used to represent melodies, but to find relevant segmentation points at the coefficients’ zero crossings. Classification experiments showed that the method is more descriptive in a melody-recognition model than other approaches.

For over a year, Gissel Velarde has been working on wavelets applied to symbolic music. Currently she is a PhD student at Aalborg University working on a wavelet-based approach for analysis of symbolic music under the supervision of David Meredith. Velarde holds a degree in Systems Engineering from the Bolivian Catholic University and a Master of Science in Electronic Systems and Engineering Management from the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences. Besides, she studied piano at the Bolivian National Conservatory of Music and won, among others, first and second prizes at the National Piano Competition in Bolivia (1994 and 1997 respectively). From 2006 to 2008, she was DAAD scholarship holder. In 2010, she received a Best Paper Award nomination at the Industrial Conference on Data Mining in Berlin.

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